Malaysian Actor, and Singer

Huang QiMing , Malaysian entertainer at Painted Hall Greenwich ,UK
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Malaysian Actor, and Singer

Meeting Malaysian actor and singer Huang Qi Ming was a surprising encounter at Painted Hall in Greenwich, London, a stunning location I discovered on TikTok. As I sought someone stylish and young, thinking they knew how to photograph well, I approached a well-dressed individual from behind and asked if he can take a quick photo of my family. It was probably my K-Drama moment, as he turned to me in what felt like slow motion with his million-dollar smile and perfect complexion. To my chagrin, he turned out to be famous. (Facepalm moment!) Ming graciously agreed to take photos despite being in the midst of his own personal shoot. Afterward, we chatted, and I shared about my profession, leading to an impromptu photoshoot.

Painted Hall

The Painted Hall is the jewel of the crown and known as ‘Britain’s Sistine Chapel’. It has over 600 years of British History.

Their iconic riverside estate has six centuries of rich history linking an incredible cast of monarchs and famous British figures. 

It is absolutely jaw-dropping. Check out some of the images we took in about a span of 10 minutes. I must say, this was not ideal lighting and these photos honestly do not do him justice. Had I been prepared with lighting equipment, it would have been a remarkable backdrop to shoot in.

Huang Qi Ming 黃啟銘

Who is he? Well, let me tell you, this handsome man with the most perfect chiseled face is a television host, actor, and singer in Malaysia. He has a pretty impressive resume and if you would like you can see his wiki page. I was blown away by his humbleness and elegance. He had lots of class and he carried himself with such grace. You can follow Huang Qi Ming 黃啟銘 on Instagram or Facebook. Thank you so much, Ming, for this opportunity. It was such an honor and pleasure meeting you.

If you would like to hear my story time on our encounter, be sure to follow me on Instagram.

Photoshoot with River Eight & CO

If you would like a photoshoot like this, please book a complimentary discovery call. This was a special photoshoot and normally do not shoot or edit in this light. With my 13 years of experience in photography and with the right environment, I am confident I can photograph anyone anywhere. Check out my website and blog to see all types of creatives, artists, business owners, and entrepreneurs I help.

Thank you for reading! Tell me, which one is your favorite image and have you also had an organic celebrity encounter? Let me know below!

signature for Kay Kawada from RIver Eight and co

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